
Friday, September 12, 2008

'The Dark Knight' To Be Re-Released In Time For Oscars

A new light shines on 'The Dark Knight!'

Warner Bros. studios reportedly plans to re-release the record-breaking Batman sequel in January, right in time for Oscars' voting season!

"It's just a matter of bringing it back as a reminder for people," a studio insider told The Hollywood Reporter.

Warner Bros. domestic distribution president Dan Fellman acknowledged that Imax executives were in talks to restore the film to show on a much larger screen in January, says the publication.

The blockbuster success of 'The Dark Knight' has aroused Oscar buzz for possible nominations in directing, producing, and acting -- especially for the late Heath Ledger who played the Joker in the film.

The film, which is the second highest-grossing movie ever after 'Titanic,' has grossed $512 million domestically and $440 million internationally.

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